GoodWorks Trust

Working in partnership with the Individuals, Corporates and other concerned citizens and running various welfare programs



We are non profit organisation working for the underprivileged people in the society and helping them to mainstream.

GoodWorks Trust is a non profit organisation helping the underprivileged people in the society and focuses on different practices which could eventually improve the overall knowledge, living standard, hygiene practices and at last but not the least, the conscious of the individual, slum dweller kids, underprivileged girl child and women of the society. We do it simply by imparting them elementary education, basic necessities, consultation about skill development and earning bread and butter for life respectfully. We have proudly enrolled about 50 slum kids as normal students to Govt. Schools and joining the mainstream. We are further mentoring them to cope up with the lags. 

With an aim to empower women & young girls of the nearby Slum area, GoodWorks has started training them with special skills of stitching and making beautiful home decors. Not only the women are imparted training, but also, they are paid for the number of pieces they make. And being sold out. This way, we are helping the women in slum areas to be self sustainable for the daily expenses of their respective lives.

We are seeking out help with setting up the initial platform where we could produce these decorative items and further getting them displayed through physical stalls in various events, festivals and through eCommerce shop being created by us. GoodWorks is seeking other partners to help for this program so that more and more women can get an opportunity to learn some special skills which they can use for earning the livelihood respectfully. 

We admire your support and contributions for all the  GoodWorks



New Admissions at School


Working in partnership with the Individuals & Corporates, to run, various welfare programs like Free Education, Health, Skill Development, Environment & Women Empowerment

GoodWorks Trust works in all the areas of social development activities and initiatives through our centres and open schools in underprivileged areas. GoodWorks has majorly achieved in educating slum kids, empowering families in the slums and rural livelihood in a sustainable manner. 

We focus on providing food, education, clothes, hygiene measures to poor people living in the slum areas. As apparent with a huge population, the growing need is to fill the lack of education and employment opportunities for the poor. Lack of education leads them to ask for money at traffic junctions and we as a NGOs who want to stop child trafficking and other immoral practices that are exploitation of poverty.

GoodWorks Trust

Working in the areas of social development activities and initiatives through our centres and open schools in underprivileged areas. 

Free Girl Child Education
Moral and Legal Education
Health & Hygiene
Free Stationary


Child Education

Healthcare & Hygiene

Women Empowerment

Human Rights

Art & Crafts

Social Engineering

Nukkad Nataks

Dance & Music



Puppet Making

Boutique Classes

Open Schools

Girl Child Education

Free Medication

Free Food

Let's do some GoodWorks