The Need For Social Empowerment of Woman

We couldn’t agree more with the GD Anderson; a famous Australian activist, that “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger; women are already strong; it’s about changing the way world perceives that strength”.

Despite all hullabaloo and extravagant claims around empowering women in India socially, justly and economically, the grim reality is that female labour participation in India plummeted to a record low of 15.5 % in the post COVID world. All latest studies however affirm the fact that if woman is treated at par with the man and rendered with equal opportunities to learn, grow and evolve then a child has 20 percent better chance of wholesome growth and interestingly against 40 % of income being spent by the men on the fundamental necessities of the family; women spend 90 percent of their income on education, health and food for raising their families. The aforementioned data speaks volume that women play prominent role in the nation-building and sustainable development of the country. Therefore, in order to uplift the economic, social and political status of women we, as a nation need to put our act together to achieve the goal

“GoodWorks” Trust is a ray of hope for vulnerable women coming from the disadvantaged communities.

The array of women empowerment organizations in India doing phenomenal work for the women’s welfare and “GoodWorks” trust-based in Noida is one of the leading flagbearers making notable contributions with regards to empowering women through launching skill development programs that eventually enable women to become bread winners of their families and get themselves free from the cycle of poverty to ultimately lead respectful life altogether.

“A small Step for the Women Empowerment is a Giant leap for the Mankind”

“GoodWorks” trust echoing the sentiments of the need for women empowerment has been setting new benchmarks by strengthening underprivileged women coming from the weaker sections of the society through providing quality education, running self- awareness programs, offering vocational training and launching gamut of special skill development programs that specifically emphasize on self – employment of the women. One of the most remarkable achievements of the “GoodWorks” NGO is that with the mission of “Save Girls Save India” objective, it hasal ready successfully rescued many young girls from getting married at adolescent age. Therefore, it’s overwhelming to see that the Noida based organization has been fighting against all odds as well as against the regressive patriarchal mindset deeply rooted in our country that women are only meant to be home-makers. “GoodWorks” trust ensures that underprivileged women metamorphose into skilled workers to support her families and moreover can stand for themselves amid any challenges. Therefore, the trust provides free quality education as well as vocational training to achieve this goal.

Please Support the Noble Cause
It’s quite alarming that despite the fact, that women constitute for half the population of the country; the role of woman in our country is just relegated to being the primary care takers of the family. Time and again it’s proven that no country can achieve sustainable economic and social prosperity unless women are given equitable opportunities to flourish in all spheres of life. Following this mantra religiously “GoodWorks” trust, a leading female empowerment organization in Noida has taken many vulnerable women under its wings to empower them through string of welfare programs. In order to continue with the humanitarian work for the betterment of society, we as a nation also need to come together to extend our support through making substantial contributions whether through needful donations and otherwise.